Münster guides. Our best guides in Münster for your guided tour

(1130 Bewertungen)

On this page we introduce you to your city guides for Münster. Our guides look forward to welcoming you on a Münster City Tour or other Münster tours.

Lennart von der Assen
Lennart von der AssenCity Guide
Studies of history and philosophy in Münster
Areas of concentration at k3 stadtführungen: City Tours, Evening Strolls
Rainer Josef Barzen, Dr.
Rainer Josef Barzen, Dr.City Guide
Studies of history and jewish studies in Berlin, Jerusalem and Trier
Areas of concentration at k3 stadtführungen: City Tours
Barbara Blasum
Barbara BlasumCity Guide
Apprenticeshipment as a librarian
Areas of concentration at k3 stadtführungen: Weekly Market Tours, City Tours
Vera Blasum, M.A., Dipl.-Betriebsw.
Vera Blasum, M.A., Dipl.-Betriebsw. City Guide
Studies of communication science, sociology, ethnology and business administration in Münster
Areas of concentration at k3 stadtführungen: Tatort Münster Crime Tours, Crime Tours and City Tours in German and English
Sebastian Bock
Sebastian BockCity Guide
Studies of german studies and history in Münster
Areas of concentration at k3 stadtführungen: City Tours, Evening Stroll
Mary Schulze Bölling
Mary Schulze BöllingCity Guide
Studies of oecotrophology
Areas of concentration at k3 stadtführungen: City Tours, Evening Strolls, Cycle Tours, Münster Culinary Tours
Anika Bonnke
Anika BonnkeCity Guide
Studies of english and social sciences in Münster
Areas of concentration at k3 stadtführungen: Night Watchman Tours, Crime Dinners
Clara Brühl
Clara BrühlCity Guide
Studies of law
Areas of concentration at k3 stadtführungen: City Tours
Hendrik Buchholz
Hendrik BuchholzCity Guide
Studies of german studies, political science, philosophy and history in Münster
Areas of concentration at k3 stadtführungen: City Tours, Culinary Tours
Giulia Ciorra, B.A.
Giulia Ciorra, B.A.City Guide
Studies of art history and romance in Münster
Areas of concentration at k3 stadtführungen: Night Watchman Tours, Architectural Tours and City Tours in German and Italian
Carolin Diekmann
Carolin DiekmannCity Guide
Studies of german studies and cultural and social anthropology in Münster
Areas of concentration at k3 stadtführungen: City Tours in German and Dutch, Culinary Tours in the historic city centre, Bicycle Tours, City Rally
Richard Dietrich
Richard DietrichCity Guide
Studies of educational sciences
Areas of concentration at k3 stadtführungen: City Tours, Evening Stroll
Michael Droste
Michael DrosteCity Guide
Studies of educational sciences
Areas of concentration at k3 stadtführungen: City Tours, Evening Stroll
Stephan Esders, M.Ed.
Stephan Esders, M.Ed.City Guide
Studies of catholic religious education and latin studies in Münster
Areas of concentration at k3 stadtführungen: City Tours, Beer Tours, Crime Tours
Janis Fifka
Janis FifkaCity Guide
Studies of history and political science in Münster
Areas of concentration at k3 stadtführungen: City Tours and Evening Strolls in German and English
Ralf Fritzsche, M.A.
Ralf Fritzsche, M.A. City Guide
Studies of modern history, romance and medieval history in Münster
Areas of concentration at k3 stadtführungen: City Tours
Annette Gierhake, Dipl.-Geogr.
Annette Gierhake, Dipl.-Geogr.City Guide
Studies of economics and geography in Hamburg and Münster
Areas of concentration at k3 stadtführungen: Weekly Market Tours, Tatort Münster Crime Tours, Crime Tours, City Tours, Bicycle Tours, Harbour Tours, City Rally, Tours in German and English
Julia Großekathöfer, Dr.
Julia Großekathöfer, Dr.City Guide
Studies of classical archaeology, german philology and ancient history in Münster and Bochum
Areas of concentration at k3 stadtführungen: City Tours, Harbour Tours, Münster Culinary Tours, Evening Strolls, Bicycle Tours, City Tours for children
Clara Gutjahr
Clara GutjahrCity Guide
Studies of sociology and philosophy in Münster
Areas of concentration at k3 stadtführungen: City Tours, Evening Strolls and City Tours for children
Franziska Hackenes B.A.
Franziska Hackenes B.A.City Guide
Studies of history and german studies in Münster
Areas of concentration at k3 stadtführungen: City Tours, Tatort Münster Crime Tours, Beer Tours
Sebastian Harpert, B.A.
Sebastian Harpert, B.A.City Guide
Studies of history and philosophy in Münster
Areas of concentration at k3 stadtführungen: City Tours, Tatort Münster Crime Tours, Bicycle Tours, Harbour Tours
Florian Heskamp
Florian HeskampCity Guide
Studies of history, theology and geography
Areas of concentration at k3 stadtführungen: City Tours, Tatort Münster Crime Tours, Bicycle Tours, Rickshaw Rides, Evening Stroll, Harbour Tour
Iva Heüvelhop
Iva HeüvelhopCity Guide
Studies of history and art history in Münster
Areas of concentration at k3 stadtführungen:: City Tours
Jan Hinsenhofen
Jan HinsenhofenCity Guide
Studies of architecture in Münster
Areas of concentration at k3 stadtführungen:: City Tours, Architectural Tours, Harbour Tours
Jelis Hoedtke
Jelis HoedtkeCity Guide
Studies of communication sciences
Areas of concentration at k3 stadtführungen: Night Watchman Tours, Crime Dinner, City Tours and Evening Strolls in German and English
Christian Hölscher
Christian HölscherCity Guide
Background as a self-employed business economist
Areas of concentration at k3 stadtführungen: City Tours
Peter Horstmann, Dipl.-Math.
Peter Horstmann, Dipl.-Math.City Guide
Studies of mathematics and business administration in Münster
Areas of concentration at k3 stadtführungen: City Tours and Evening Strolls in English, German and French
Harald-Georg Jansing, M.A.
Harald-Georg Jansing, M.A.City Guide
Studies of german studies, philosophy and applied cultural studies in Dresden, Würzburg and Münster
Areas of concentration at k3 stadtführungen: City Tours
Annette Jucknat
Annette JucknatCity Guide
Studies of history and romance in Bonn and Paris (Sorbonne)
Areas of concentration at k3 stadtführungen: City Tours, Tatort Münster Crime Tours, Crime Tours, Night Watchman Tours, City Tours for children, City Rally, Evening Strolls, Architecture Tours, Tours in German, English and French
Eyyüp Kabogan
Eyyüp KaboganCity Guide
Studies in tourism and travel guidance
Areas of concentration at k3 stadtführungen: City Tours in German, English and Turkish
Christian Kahlau, Dipl.-Ing.
Christian Kahlau, Dipl.-Ing.City Guide
Studies of civil engineering in Aachen
Areas of concentration at k3 stadtführungen: City Tours in German and French, Bicycle Tours, Evening Strolls
Franz-Josef Kalmer
Franz-Josef KalmerCity Guide
Apprenticeshipment as bank business economist / portfolio manager
Areas of concentration at k3 stadtführungen: City Tours, Münster Culinary Tours, Beer Tours, Bicycle Tours in and around Münster
Sabine Klein
Sabine KleinCity Guide
Apprenticeshipment as a travel agent, training as a tour guide according to BVGD
Areas of concentration at k3 stadtführungen: City Tours
Maximilian Kortendieck
Maximilian KortendieckCity Guide
Studies of law and politics in Münster
Areas of concentration at k3 stadtführungen: Beer Tours, Segway Tours, City Tours
Christian Krätzig
Christian KrätzigCity Guide
Studies of medicine in Münster
Areas of concentration at k3 stadtführungen: City Tours, Tatort Münster Crime Tours, Culinary City Tours
Jonas Krebs, B.Sc.
Jonas Krebs, B.Sc.City Guide
Studies of geography and social sciences in Münster and Bonn
Areas of concentration at k3 stadtführungen: City Tours, Wilsberg Tour, Tatort Münster Crime Tours
Yannis Kulosa
Yannis KulosaCity Guide
Studies of architecture in Münster
Areas of concentration at k3 stadtführungen: City Tours in German and English, Architectural Tours, Harbour Tours, Segway Tours
Alexander Lang
Alexander LangCity Guide
Studies of history in Bonn and Münster
Areas of concentration at k3 stadtführungen: City Tours
Jochen Lissel
Jochen LisselCity Guide
Apprenticeshipment as a travel agent, tour guide (BVGD)
Areas of concentration at k3 stadtführungen: Tatort Münster Crime Tours, City Tours
Kai-Michael Meyer, M.A.
Kai-Michael Meyer, M.A. City Guide
Studies classical archaeology, ancient history and prehistory and early history in Münster
Areas of concentration at k3 stadtführungen: Münster Culinary Tour, Beer Tours, Night Watchman Tours, City Rally, Crime Dinners, Advent Tours, City Tours
Maximilian Nielsen
Maximilian NielsenCity Guide
Studies of history and archaeology in Münster
Areas of concentration at k3 stadtführungen: City Tours, Advent Tours
Ana Maria Buttkus Ocampo
Ana Maria Buttkus OcampoCity Guide
Studies of law in Dresden and Münster
Areas of concentration at k3 stadtführungen: City Tours, Segway Tours, Culinary City Tours, Beer Tours
Markus Offer
Markus OfferCity Guide
Studies of catholic theology and german studies in Münster
Areas of concentration at k3 stadtführungen: City Tours, Evening Strolls, City Rally, Segway Tours and City Tours for children
Matthias Ogiermann
Matthias OgiermannCity Guide
Studies of mathematics and geography in Münster
Areas of concentration at k3 stadtführungen: City Tours, Evening Strolls, Tatort Münster Crime Tours, Bicycle Tours, Sight Jogging Tour
Stefanie Peters
Stefanie PetersCity Guide
Studies of communication sciences
Areas of concentration at k3 stadtführungen: City Tours, Evening Stroll
Anna Pettenpohl
Anna PettenpohlCity Guide
Studies of art history and classical and Christian archaeology in Münster
Areas of concentration at k3 stadtführungen: City Tours, Münster Culinary Tour, Segway Sightseeing Tours, Evening Strolls, Night Watchman Tours
Marvin Prüfig
Marvin PrüfigCity Guide
Studies of history and english studies
Areas of concentration at k3 stadtführungen: City Tours in German and English
Sophia Plankermann, M.A.
Sophia Plankermann, M.A.City Guide
Studies of economics and art history in Göttingen and Münster
Areas of concentration at k3 stadtführungen: Tatort Münster Crime Tours, City Tours, Architecture Tours, Harbour Tours, Bicycle Tours, Sculpture Project Tours and City Rallies in German and English
Andreas Post, Dr.
Andreas Post, Dr.City Guide
Studies of classical archaeology and art history
Areas of concentration at k3 stadtführungen: City Tours, Architecture Tours, Sculpture Projects Tours
Jana Rerich
Jana RerichCity Guide
Studies of history and spanish
Areas of concentration at k3 stadtführungen: City Tours
Lennart Rettler, B.A.
Lennart Rettler, B.A.City Guide
Studies of strategic communication in Münster
Areas of concentration at k3 stadtführungen: City Tours, Wilsberg Tour, Crime Dinner
Flavia Ribbert
Flavia RibbertCity Guide
Studies of politics and law in Münster
Areas of concentration at k3 stadtführungen: Tatort Münster Crime Tours, City Tours, Evening Strolls and City Rallies
Katharina Ruck
Katharina RuckCity Guide
Studies of politics and law in Münster
Areas of concentration at k3 stadtführungen: Tatort Münster Crime Tours, City Tours, Evening Strolls and City Rallies
Laura Schirmer
Laura SchirmerCity Guide
Studies of history and german studies in Münster
Areas of concentration at k3 stadtführungen: City Tours, Crime Dinner
Christoph Schründer
Christoph SchründerCity Guide
Studies of educational sciences and social sciences in Münster
Areas of concentration at k3 stadtführungen: City Tours, Evening Strolls, Beer Tours, Culinary City Tours
Laurentia Schürmann
Laurentia SchürmannCity Guide
Studies of art and german studies in Münster
Areas of concentration at k3 stadtführungen: Night Watchman Tours, Culinary City Tours, City Tours in German and English
Eike Sykala
Eike SykalaCity Guide
Studies of history, german studies and medieval interdisciplinary in Berlin and Münster
Areas of concentration at k3 stadtführungen: City Tours, Tatort Münster Crime Tours, Crime Tours and Crime Dinners
Maria Thielemann
Maria ThielemannCity Guide
Studies of history, protestant religious education and philosophy in Münster
Areas of concentration at k3 stadtführungen: City Tours, Evening Strolls
Rüdiger Vierhaus, M.A.
Rüdiger Vierhaus, M.A.City Guide
Studies of prehistory and early history in Münster and Durham/United Kingdom
Areas of concentration at k3 stadtführungen: Tatort Münster Crime Tours, Night Watchman Tours, City Tours, Evening Strolls and City Tours for children in German and English
Eva Vischedyk
Eva VischedykCity Guide
Studies of art history, archaeology and romance
Areas of concentration at k3 stadtführungen: Night Watchman Tours, Bicycle Tours, Beer Tours, Culinary City Tours, Evening Strolls, City Tours in German and English
Julia Wigbels, B.A.
Julia Wigbels, B.A.City Guide
Studies of english and history in Münster
Areas of concentration at k3 stadtführungen: City Tours, City Tours for children, Evening Strolls, Wilsberg Tour, Crime Dinner in German and English
Leon Wilken
Leon WilkenCity Guide
Studies for elementary school teaching in Münster
Areas of concentration at k3 stadtführungen: City Tours, Evening Strolls
Klaus Woestmann, Dipl.-Ing.
Klaus Woestmann, Dipl.-Ing.City Guide
Studies of urban and regional planning in Berlin and Venice
Areas of concentration at k3 stadtführungen: Night Watchman Tours, Tatort Münster Crime Tours, Bicycle Tours and City Tours in Italian and German
Stefan Wolf
Stefan WolfCity Guide
Work experience as a trained travel agent for Germany and abroad
Areas of concentration at k3 stadtführungen: Bicycle Tours, City Tours in German, English and Spanish, Evening Strolls and Environmental Tours
Ahmed Zehahla, Dipl.-Wirt. Inf.
Ahmed Zehahla, Dipl.-Wirt. Inf.City Guide
Studies of business informatics in Münster
Areas of concentration at k3 stadtführungen: City Tours